Private Sub PrepareDatabase()
Dim ErrorCondition As Boolean
ErrorCondition = False
Call objConn
Dim rsItems As New ADODB.Recordset
sqlitems = "SELECT SN,Name FROM Material ORDER BY SN ASC"
rsItems.Open sqlitems, conn, 1, 1
' Disable the file open error handler
On Error GoTo 0
Do While Not rsItems.EOF
' Use the AddComboItem method of the grid to add the products to the first combo box
ctGridMain.AddComboItem 1, rsItems.Fields("SN") + Chr(10) + rsItems.Fields("Name")
End Sub
Private Sub ctGridMain_AfterCellWrite(ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal nColumn As Integer)
' This event occurs after text within a cell has been changed and written back to the grid.
Dim strText As String
If (nColumn = 0) Then ' If the value entered is in the first column
' Store the value entered into the strText variable
strText = ctGridMain.CellText(nIndex, nColumn)
Call objConn
Dim rsMatName As New ADODB.Recordset
sqlMatName = "SELECT Name From Material WHERE SN='" & strText & "'"
rsMatName.Open sqlMatName, conn, 1, 1
If Not rsMatName.EOF Then ctGridMain.CellText(nIndex, 1) = rsMatName.Fields("Name")
Set rsMatName = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
End If
If (nColumn = 2 Or nColumn = 3) Then ' If the entry is in the third column (Quantity) or the fourth column (Price in the case of a CUST item)
ctGridMain.CellValue(nIndex, 4) = ctGridMain.CellValue(nIndex, 2) * ctGridMain.CellValue(nIndex, 3) ' Calculate the Total and place it in the fifth column
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ctGridMain_FirstDraw()
End Sub
补充:VB , 数据库(包含打印,安装,报表)