LeetCode Merge K Sorted Lists 问题和解答程序 C++ priority queue实现方法
Merge k Sorted ListsMerge k sorted linked lists and return it as one sorted list. Analyze and describe its complexity.
1. 各列数量头一个数组成一个数组,然后取其最大者,插入新的数组。
2. 反复调用两个数组合并的函数k-1次
下面是第一种方法,用了STL容器priority_queue来实现。当然还有很多其他方法实现。要使用这个容器的技巧就是:增加一个adaptNode相当于一个adaptor,使得可以使用priority_queue,否则因为原来的ListNode没有< >的操作而无法使用这个容器的。
#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<functional> #include<queue> using namespace std; //Definition for singly-linked list. struct ListNode { int val; ListNode *next; ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {} }; //For adding operator < and >; So that we can form priority_queue struct AdaptNode{ int val; ListNode *cur; AdaptNode(ListNode *node):cur(node) { if(node == NULL) val = INT_MAX; else { val = node->val; } } bool operator<(const AdaptNode& an)const { return val<an.val; } bool operator>(const AdaptNode& an)const { return val>an.val; } }; class Solution { public: ListNode *mergeKLists(vector<ListNode *> &lists) { if (lists.empty()) return NULL; priority_queue<AdaptNode, vector<AdaptNode>, greater<AdaptNode> > pq(lists.begin(),lists.end()); ListNode head(0); ListNode *cura, *small; cura = &head; small = pq.top().cur; while (pq.top().val != INT_MAX) { //nextNode = small->next; cura->next = small; cura=cura->next; //small->next = NULL; pq.pop(); pq.push(AdaptNode(small->next)); small = pq.top().cur; } return head.next; } }; int main() try { { ListNode head(0); ListNode fir(1); ListNode sec(2); ListNode thi(3); ListNode fou(4); ListNode fiv(5); ListNode six(6); ListNode sev(7); ListNode eig(8); ListNode nin(9); ListNode ten(10); ListNode da(6); ListNode db(9); ListNode dc(10); ListNode de(19); ListNode df(100); ListNode *pHead1; ListNode *pHead2; ListNode *pHead3; pHead1 = &head; pHead2 = &six; pHead3 = &da; da.next = &db; db.next = &dc; dc.next = &de; de.next = &df; head.next = &fir; fir.next = &sec; sec.next = &thi; thi.next = &fou; fou.next = &fiv; fiv.next = NULL; six.next = &sev; sev.next = &eig; eig.next = &nin; nin.next = &ten; ten.next = NULL; vector<ListNode *>lists; lists.push_back(pHead1); lists.push_back(pHead2); lists.push_back(pHead3); ListNode *pn(NULL);/* pn = &head; for(; pn!=NULL; ) { cout<<pn->val<<" "; pn=pn->next; } cout<<endl; */ Solution solu; pn = solu.mergeKLists(lists); //pn = &head; for(; pn!=NULL; ) { cout<<pn->val<<" "; pn=pn->next; } cout<<endl; return 0; } } catch(out_of_range) { cerr<<"range error\n"; } catch(...) { cerr<<"unknow exception thrown\n"; }
补充:软件开发 , C++ ,