web service 引用的问题
Using Streamster API from Visual Basic is 易做图 because itnatively supports SOAP web services. There are numerous ways
to consume a web service from Visual Basic, but the 易做图st is to
add a "Web Service Reference" to your Visual Basic project. The
address of the Streamster API Web Service is
and this is what needs to
be specified when adding the web service reference to your Visual
Basic project.
Once the reference is added to your project, using Streamster
API is as 易做图 as using any other Visual Basic object. For
example, try the code below:
Dim api As StreamsterApi = New StreamsterApi
Dim q As Quote = api.GetQuote("EUR/USD")
Console.WriteLine ("Last = " & q.Last)
SERVICE引用,就可以像使用wndow API一样使用他的API。可是怎么加这个
--------------------编程问答-------------------- “添加 Web 引用”是 .Net 的 Visual Studio 中的基本操作。 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 1.我使用VB6 不使用VB.NET
2.添加引用是基本操作,但是添加了没有结果 --------------------编程问答-------------------- "Dim api As StreamsterApi = New StreamsterApi " 能这样写?
需要你自己用某个"引用"来实现,并不是直接拿来就用的 --------------------编程问答-------------------- VB6中能直接添加WEB服务?怎么添加?VB.NET有添加WEB服务引用的选项,VB6中也可以的话,那真是孤陋寡闻了...
Dim api As StreamsterApi = New StreamsterApi
Dim q As Quote = api.GetQuote("EUR/USD")
Console.WriteLine ("Last = " & q.Last)
补充:VB , API