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oracle tkprof工具详解

oracle tkprof工具详解

select s.sid,s.serial#,s.username,s.logon_time,s.osuser,(select sys_context('userenv','ip_address') from dual) as ipa,
   from v$session s,v$process p
     where s.paddr=p.addr and s.username='SCOTT';

二)对会话开启sql trace功能:
SQL> begin  
  2    dbms_system.set_int_param_in_session(47,43,'max_dump_file_size',10485760);  
  4    dbms_system.set_bool_param_in_session(47,43,'timed_statistics',true);  
  5    dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session(47,43,true);  
  6  end;  
  7  /  
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.  
SQL> begin  
  2  dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session(47,43,false);  
  3  end;  
  4  /  
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.  

[oracle@oracle-one trace]$ tkprof
Usage: tkprof tracefile outputfile [explain= ] [table= ]
              [print= ] [insert= ] [sys= ] [sort= ]
  table=schema.tablename   Use 'schema.tablename' with 'explain=' option.
  explain=user/password    Connect to ORACLE and issue EXPLAIN PLAN.
  print=integer    List only the first 'integer' SQL statements.
  insert=filename  List SQL statements and data inside INSERT statements.
  sys=no           TKPROF does not list SQL statements run as user SYS.
  record=filename  Record non-recursive statements found in the trace file.
  waits=yes|no     Record summary for any wait events found in the trace file.
  sort=option      Set of zero or more of the following sort options:
    prscnt  number of times parse was called
    prscpu  cpu time parsing
    prsela  elapsed time parsing
    prsdsk  number of disk reads during parse
    prsqry  number of buffers for consistent read during parse
    prscu   number of buffers for current read during parse
    prsmis  number of misses in library cache during parse
    execnt  number of execute was called
    execpu  cpu time spent executing
    exeela  elapsed time executing
    exedsk  number of disk reads during execute
    exeqry  number of buffers for consistent read during execute
    execu   number of buffers for current read during execute
    exerow  number of rows processed during execute
    exemis  number of library cache misses during execute
    fchcnt  number of times fetch was called
    fchcpu  cpu time spent fetching
    fchela  elapsed time fetching
    fchdsk  number of disk reads during fetch
    fchqry  number of buffers for consistent read during fetch
    fchcu   number of buffers for current read during fetch
    fchrow  number of rows fetched
    userid  userid of user that parsed the cursor

[oracle@oracle-one trace]$ 
table:每次解析执行sql过程的时候会在数据库自动创建一个表,执行完后自动删除,也可以手动创建一个 表,然把信息存入该表中
    prscnt  number of times parse was called
    prscpu  cpu time parsing
    prsela  elapsed time parsing
    prsdsk  number of disk reads during parse
    prsqry  number of buffers for consistent read during parse
    prscu   number of buffers for current read during parse
    prsmis  number of misses in library cache during parse
    execnt  number of execute was called
    execpu  cpu time spent executing
    exeela  elapsed time executing
    exedsk  number of disk reads during execute
    exeqry  number of buffers for consistent read during execute
    execu   number of buffers for current read during execute
    exerow  number of rows processed during execute
    exemis  number of library cache misses during execute
    fchcnt  number of times fetch was called
    fchcpu  cpu time spent fetching
    fchela  elapsed time fetching
    fchdsk  number of disk reads during fetch
    fchqry  number of buffers for consistent read during fetch
    fchcu   number of buffers for current read during fetch
    fchrow  number of rows fetched
    userid  userid of user that parsed the cursor
sys:在进行sql运行的时候,或出现递归查询,设置sys为no则忽略这些recursive sql,设置为yes则在执行计划中包括这些recursive sql
waits:显示wait event的概要信息
record:创建一个包含客户端发出的所有sql的脚本文件,并不包括recursive sql,

[oracle@oracle-one trace]$ tkprof RHYS_ora_3191.trc sql_explain.txt sys=no explain=scott/root aggregate=yes record=sql_path.txt waits=yes  
TKPROF: Release - Development on Thu Sep 26 22:37:26 2013  
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.  
[oracle@oracle-one trace]$   
[oracle@oracle-one trace]$ more sql_explain.txt   
TKPROF: Release - Development on Thu Sep 26 22:37:26 2013  
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.  
Trace file: RHYS_ora_3191.trc  
Sort options: default  
count    = number of times OCI procedure was executed  
cpu      = cpu time in seconds executing   
elapsed  = elapsed time in seconds executing  
disk     = number of physical reads of buffers from disk  
query    = number of buffers gotten for consistent read  
current  = number of buffers gotten in current mode (usually for update)  
rows     = number of rows processed by the fetch or execute call  
The following statement encountered a error during parse:  
select * from rhys.amy_dept  
PARSE #1399268  
Error encountered: ORA-00942  
SQL ID: 9m7787camwh4m Plan Hash: 0  
begin :id := sys.dbms_transaction.local_transaction_id; end;  
call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows  
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------  
Parse        5      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0  
Execute      6      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           6  
Fetch        0      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0  
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------  
total       11      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           6  
Misses in library cache during parse: 0  
Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS  
Parsing user id: 83  (SCOTT)  
SQL ID: cf06fwacdmgfk Plan Hash: 1388734953  
select 'x'   
call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows  
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------  
Parse        3      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0  
Execute      3      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0  
Fetch        3      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           3  
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------  
total        9      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           3  
Misses in library cache during parse: 1  
Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS  
Parsing user id: 83  (SCOTT)  
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