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#define up 0x4800
#define down 0x5000
#define enter 0x1c0d
#define esc 0x11b
#define y 0x1579
#define n 0x316e

typedef struct data
 char kind[2]; /*中图法分类号*/
 char booknum[16]; /*图书编号*/
 char bookname[20]; /*书名*/
 char authorname[10][20]; /*作者*/
 int an;   /*作者数*/
 char publish[20]; /*出版社*/
 char bdate[16]; /*出版日期*/
 int sparenum; /*馆藏数*/
 int lendnum; /*借阅数*/

typedef struct data1
 Base_info base;
 struct data1 *next;

typedef struct data2 /*以后加数据*/
 char stuname[20]; /*借阅学生*/
 long stunum;  /*学生号*/
 char lbookname[20]; /*书名*/
 int anum;  /*作者数*/
 char lauthorname[10][20]; /*作者名*/

typedef struct data3
 Lend_info lend;
 struct data3 *next;

void baseinfo_input(void)  /*输入基本数据函数*/
 FILE *fp;
 char ch;
 int i, m;
 Base_info b;

 if ((fp=fopen("D:\\bookinfo.txt","ab")) == NULL)
  printf("\nCannot open the file.");

 while (1)
  printf("\n*****************please input base information***************\n");

  printf("please input book's kind:");
  scanf("%s", b.kind);

  printf("please input the number of book:");
  scanf("%s", b.booknum);

  printf("please input the book's name:");
  scanf("%s", b.bookname);

  printf("please input publish:");
  scanf("%s", b.publish);

  printf("please input publish date:");
  scanf("%s", b.bdate);

  printf("please input spare number of book:");
  scanf("%d", b.sparenum);

  printf("please input lend out book num:");
  scanf("%d", b.lendnum);

  printf("please input how many authors(an<10):");
  scanf("%d", &m);

  for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
   printf("please input the author's name:");
   scanf("%s", b.authorname[i]);

  if (fwrite(&b,sizeof(Base_info),1,fp) != 1)
   printf("write error!");

  printf("\nContinue to input?\n");
  ch = bioskey(0);

  while (ch != 'y')
    case 'n':
    case 27:
     printf("\nEnter error!Please enter again:");
     ch = bioskey(0);

void base_sort(Base_info b[],int count) /*基本信息排序*/
 FILE *fp;
 Base_info t;
 int i, j;

 for (i = 0; i < count-1; i++)
  for (j = 0; j < count-i; j++)
   if (strcmp(b[j].bookname, b[j+1].bookname) > 0)
    t = b[j];
    b[j] = b[j+1];
    b[j+1] = t;

 if ((fp=fopen("D:\\bookinfo.txt","rb")) == NULL)
  printf("\nCannot open the file.");

 for (i = 0; i < count; i++)


void lendinfo_input(void) /*借阅信息输入*/
 FILE *fp;
 char ch;
 int a, i;
 Lend_info l;

 if ((fp = fopen("D:\\lend_inf.txt", "ab")) == NULL)
  printf("cannot open file.");

  printf("*************please input lend information data**************\n");
  printf("please input lend student's name:");
  scanf("%s", l.stuname);

  printf("please input lend student's number:");
  scanf("%ld", l.stunum);

  printf("please input lend bookname:");
  scanf("%s", l.lbookname);

  printf("please input lend how many authors:");
  scanf("%d", &a);

  for (i = 0; i < a; i++)
   printf("please input lend book author:");
   scanf("%s", l.lauthorname[i]);

  if (fwrite(&l, sizeof(Lend_info), 1, fp) != 1)
   printf("Write error!");

  printf("\nContinue to input?\n");
  ch = bioskey(0);

  while(ch != 'y')
   case 'n':
   case 27:
    printf("\nEnter error,please enter again:");
    ch = bioskey(0);

BASE *base_read(void) /*基本信息读取*/
 FILE *fp;
 BASE *head, *p1, *p2;

 if ((fp=fopen("D:\\bookinfo.txt","rb")) == NULL)
  printf("\nCannot open the file.");

 p1=p2=(BASE *)malloc(sizeof(BASE));

 if (fread(p1,sizeof(BASE),1,fp) != 1)
  printf("read error!");

 while (p1)
  if (head == NULL)
   head = p1;
   p2->next = p1;
  p1=(BASE *)malloc(sizeof(BASE));


void find(void)  /*基本信息查找输出*/
 FILE *fp;
 char name[20];
 int i , flag = 0, max, min, pos, count=0;
 Base_info b[100];

 if((fp=fopen("D:\\bookinfo.txt","rb")) == NULL)
  printf("cannot open file!press any key return.");


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