mapxtreme for java关于GPS移动目标刷新的问题
困扰很久的问题了, 显示目标的代码段:
try {
// The variable mapj is of type MapJ and has loaded a map
// The variable req is of type HttpServletRequest
// The variable res is of type HttpServletResponse
// The variable dp is of type DoublePoint
// Add annotation layer - this layer will consist of one image symbol to "animate"
AnnotationTableDescHelper atdh = new AnnotationTableDescHelper("Animation_Layer");
AnnotationDataProviderHelper adph = new AnnotationDataProviderHelper();
LocalDataProviderRef ldpr = new LocalDataProviderRef(adph);
Layer animate_layer = mapj.getLayers().insert(ldpr, atdh,0, "Animation_Layer");
Rendition r = RenditionImpl.getDefaultRendition();
r.setvalue(Rendition.SYMBOL_URL, "file:///C:/images/car.gif");
FeatureFactory ff = mapj.getFeatureFactory();
Attribute[] aAIntAttribute = {new Attribute(33)};
PrimaryKey pkey = new PrimaryKey(aAIntAttribute);
Feature f = ff.createPoint(dp, r, aAIntAttribute, pkey);
PrimaryKey pk = animate_layer.addFeature(f);
// Create the ImageRequestComposer
ImageRequestComposer imageRC =ImageRequestComposer.create(mapj, 256,,"image/gif");
Create the composite renderer
Render the image
Stream the image back to the client
CompositeRenderer compositeRenderer = new CompositeRenderer(" http://localhost:8080/mapxtreme40/servlet/mapxtreme";, 0);
ServletOutputStream sos = res.getOutputStream();
//Set this attribute to false so that the bottom image is not rendered next time
} catch(Exception e) {
//Take appropriate error handling steps --------------------编程问答-------------------- 哥们,你找到解决方法没,怎么解决的呀 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 同问啊!!!!
补充:企业软件 , 地理信息系统