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android recovery 主系统代码分析



代码路径在 android 源码的根路径: bootable\recovery 其入口文件就是 recovery.c 中 main函数



static const char *COMMAND_FILE = "/cache/recovery/command";
static const char *INTENT_FILE = "/cache/recovery/intent";
static const char *LOG_FILE = "/cache/recovery/log";



 * The recovery tool communicates with the main system through /cache files.
 *   /cache/recovery/command - INPUT - command line for tool, one arg per line
 *   /cache/recovery/log - OUTPUT - combined log file from recovery run(s)
 *   /cache/recovery/intent - OUTPUT - intent that was passed in



static const char *LAST_LOG_FILE = "/cache/recovery/last_log";

static const char *LAST_INSTALL_FILE = "/cache/recovery/last_install";
static const char *CACHE_ROOT = "/cache";
static const char *SDCARD_ROOT = "/sdcard";



下面的描述针对写入的 command 有大致的介绍:

 * The arguments which may be supplied in the recovery.command file:
 *   --send_intent=anystring - write the text out to recovery.intent
 *   --update_package=path - verify install an OTA package file
 *   --wipe_data - erase user data (and cache), then reboot
 *   --wipe_cache - wipe cache (but not user data), then reboot
 *   --set_encrypted_filesystem=on|off - enables / diasables encrypted fs




 * After completing, we remove /cache/recovery/command and reboot.
 * Arguments may also be supplied in the bootloader control block (BCB).
 * These important scenarios must be safely restartable at any point:
 * 1. user selects "factory reset"
 * 2. main system writes "--wipe_data" to /cache/recovery/command
 * 3. main system reboots into recovery
 * 4. get_args() writes BCB with "boot-recovery" and "--wipe_data"
 *    -- after this, rebooting will restart the erase --
 * 5. erase_volume() reformats /data
 * 6. erase_volume() reformats /cache
 * 7. finish_recovery() erases BCB
 *    -- after this, rebooting will restart the main system --
 * 8. main() calls reboot() to boot main system
 * 1. main system downloads OTA package to /cache/some-filename.zip
 * 2. main system writes "--update_package=/cache/some-filename.zip"
 * 3. main system reboots into recovery
 * 4. get_args() writes BCB with "boot-recovery" and "--update_package=..."
 *    -- after this, rebooting will attempt to reinstall the update --
 * 5. install_package() attempts to install the update
 *    NOTE: the package install must itself be restartable from any point
 * 6. finish_recovery() erases BCB
 *    -- after this, rebooting will (try to) restart the main system --
 * 7. ** if install failed **
 *    7a. prompt_and_wait() shows an error icon and waits for the user
 *    7b; the user reboots (pulling the battery, etc) into the main system
 * 8. main() calls maybe_install_firmware_update()
 *    ** if the update contained radio/hboot firmware **:
 *    8a. m_i_f_u() writes BCB with "boot-recovery" and "--wipe_cache"
 *        -- after this, rebooting will reformat cache & restart main system --
 *    8b. m_i_f_u() writes firmware image into raw cache partition
 *    8c. m_i_f_u() writes BCB with "update-radio/hboot" and "--wipe_cache"
 *        -- after this, rebooting will attempt to reinstall firmware --
 *    8d. bootloader tries to flash firmware
 *    8e. bootloader writes BCB with "boot-recovery" (keeping "--wipe_cache")
 *        -- after this, rebooting will reformat cache & restart main system --
 *    8f. erase_volume() reformats /cache
 *    8g. finish_recovery() erases BCB
 *        -- after this, rebooting will (try to) restart the main system --
 * 9. main() calls reboot() to boot main system

从上面的几段注解中,基本上就明白的 Recovery 是如何工作的啦。下面就从具体代码开始一步步分析。


1、recovery main 函数

main(int argc, char **argv) { 
    time_t start = time(NULL); 
    // If these fail, there's not really anywhere to complain...  
    freopen(TEMPORARY_LOG_FILE, "a", stdout); setbuf(stdout, NULL); 
    freopen(TEMPORARY_LOG_FILE, "a", stderr); setbuf(stderr, NULL); 
    printf("Starting recovery on %s", ctime(&start)); 

main(int argc, char **argv) {
    time_t start = time(NULL);

    // If these fail, there's not really anywhere to complain...
    freopen(TEMPORARY_LOG_FILE, "a", stdout); setbuf(stdout, NULL);
    freopen(TEMPORARY_LOG_FILE, "a", stderr); setbuf(stderr, NULL);
    printf("Starting recovery on %s", ctime(&start));

将标准输出和标准错误输出重定位到"/tmp/recovery.log",如果是eng模式,就可以通过adb pull /tmp/recovery.log, 看到当前的log信息,这为我们提供了有效的调试手段。


一个简单的基于framebuffer的ui系统,叫miniui 主要建立了图像部分(gglInit、gr_init_font、framebuffer)及进度条和事件处理(input_callback)

根据 /etc/recovery.fstab 建立分区表

// command line args come from, in decreasing precedence:
//   - the actual command line
//   - the bootloader control block (one per line, after "recovery")
//   - the contents of COMMAND_FILE (one per line)

get_args(&argc, &argv);

从misc 分区以及 CACHE:recovery/command 文件中读入参数,写入到argc, argv (get_bootloader_message) 并有可能写回 misc 分区(set_bootloader_message)




    while ((arg = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", OPTIONS, NULL)) != -1) {
        switch (arg) {
        case 'p': previous_runs = atoi(optarg); break;
        case 's': send_intent = optarg; break;
        case 'u': update_package = optarg; break;
        case 'w': wipe_data = wipe_cache = 1; break;
        case 'c': wipe_cache = 1; break;
        case 't': ui_show_te

补充:移动开发 , Android ,
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