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看人家用使用InstallShield制作ASP安装程序 (续3)

//  IIIIIII SSSSSS                                                            
//    II    SS                          InstallShield (R)                    
//    II    SSSSSS      (c) 1996-1999, InstallShield Software Corporation    
//    II        SS      (c) 1990-1996, InstallShield Corporation              
//  IIIIIII SSSSSS                    All Rights Reserved.                  
//  This code is generated as a starting setup template.  You should  
//  modify it to provide all necessary steps for your setup.
//    File Name:  Setup.rul                                                  
//  Description:  InstallShield script                                        
//    Comments:  This template script performs a basic setup. With minor          
//                modifications, this template can be adapted to create      
//                new, customized setups.

// Include header files
    #include "ifx.h" //DO NOT REMOVE
////////////////////// string defines ////////////////////////////

//////////////////// installation declarations ///////////////////

// ----- DLL function prototypes -----

    // your DLL function prototypes

// ---- script function prototypes -----

    // your script function prototypes

    // your global variables

//  FUNCTION:  OnFirstUIBefore                                            
//                                                              &

上一个:看人家用使用InstallShield制作ASP安装程序 (续2)

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