[cpp]#include "lwip/opt.h" //选项头文件,lwip一些配置的选项包含在opt.h,debug开启和内存大小等配置信息
#if LWIP_TCP /* don't build if not configured for use in lwipopts.h *//*如果在lwipopts.h没有配置LWIP_TCP这项,则不编译TCP这个文件*/
#include "lwip/def.h" //定义项头文件,包括一些宏
#include "lwip/mem.h" //内存头文件,包括一些宏,内存大小,申请内存,内存对齐
#include "lwip/memp.h" //内存池头文件,包含内存申请,内存释放
#include "lwip/snmp.h" //SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol,简单网络管理协议),包含snmp的函数声明
#include "lwip/tcp.h" //包含tcp.c里面定义的函数声明和所用到的宏
#include "lwip/debug.h" //包含lwip debug的一些宏,开启debug
#include <string.h>
/* Incremented every coarse grained timer shot (typically every 500 ms). */
/* 增加每一个粗粒度的定时器拍摄(通常每500 ms一次)*/
u32_t tcp_ticks; //定义tcp的滴答数
const u8_t tcp_backoff[13] =
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7};
/* Times per slowtmr hits */
/* */
const u8_t tcp_persist_backoff[7] = { 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 120 };
/* The TCP PCB lists. */
/* TCP PCB 列表 */
/** List of all TCP PCBs bound but not yet (connected || listening) */
/** 所有的但是还没有(连接或者监听中的TCP PCB绑定)列表*/
struct tcp_pcb *tcp_bound_pcbs;
/** List of all TCP PCBs in LISTEN state */
/** 所有在监听中的状态 TCP PCB列表*/
union tcp_listen_pcbs_t tcp_listen_pcbs;
/** List of all TCP PCBs that are in a state in which
* they accept or send data. */
/*所有在accept或者send数据状态的TCP PCB列表 */
struct tcp_pcb *tcp_active_pcbs;
/** List of all TCP PCBs in TIME-WAIT state */
/*所有在等待状态中的TCP PCB*/
struct tcp_pcb *tcp_tw_pcbs;
/*所有临时TCP PCB列表*/
struct tcp_pcb *tcp_tmp_pcb;
static u8_t tcp_timer;
static u16_t tcp_new_port(void);
* Called periodically to dispatch TCP timers.
/* Call tcp_fasttmr() every 250 ms */
if (++tcp_timer & 1) {//tcp_timer加1后与1
/* Call tcp_tmr() every 500 ms, i.e., every other timer
tcp_tmr() is called. */
* Closes the connection held by the PCB.
* Listening pcbs are freed and may not be referenced any more.
* Connection pcbs are freed if not yet connected and may not be referenced
* any more. If a connection is established (at least SYN received or in
* a closing state), the connection is closed, and put in a closing state.
* The pcb is then automatically freed in tcp_slowtmr(). It is therefore
* unsafe to reference it.
* @param pcb the tcp_pcb to close
* @return ERR_OK if connection has been closed
* another err_t if closing failed and pcb is not freed
tcp_close(struct tcp_pcb *pcb)
err_t err;
//TCP debug信息,打印pcb的状态
LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_DEBUG, ("tcp_close: closing in "));
#endif /* TCP_DEBUG */
switch (pcb->state) {
case CLOSED:
/* Closing a pcb in the CLOSED state might seem erroneous,
* however, it is in this state once allocated and as yet unused
* and the user needs some way to free it should the need arise.
* Calling tcp_close() with a pcb that has already been closed, (i.e. twice)
* or for a pcb that has been used and then entered the CLOSED state
* is erroneous, but this should never happen as the pcb has in those cases
* been freed, and so any remaining handles are bogus. */
err = ERR_OK;//设定返回值
TCP_RMV(&tcp_bound_pcbs, pcb);//从绑定的pcb列表中去掉pcb
memp_free(MEMP_TCP_PCB, pcb);//在MEMP_TCP_PCB内存池设定释放掉的pcb对应的单元值,释放内存
pcb = NULL; //设置pcb指针指向空
case LISTEN:
err = ERR_OK;//设定返回值
tcp_pcb_remove((struct tcp_pcb **)&tcp_listen_pcbs.pcbs, pcb);//在tcp PCB监听列表中删除对应的pcb
memp_free(MEMP_TCP_PCB_LISTEN, pcb);//在MEMP_TCP_PCB_LISTEN对应的内存池中设定需要释放的pcb单元值
pcb = NULL;//设置pcb指针指向空
case SYN_SENT:
err = ERR_OK;//设定返回值
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